Monday 11 June 2007

The work goes on

I am snatching a few moments after spending 90 minutes going though various correspondence with my secretary, Vivienne. She tells me she has a third councillor to support now. I know that notionally we should still be doing the same amount of constituency work but in truth the load appears to have quadrupled. If also true for others, then it seems unlikely current support will be enough. Every evening I spend at least an hour at home answering emails so add that to the office based stuff and the correspondence is immense. I fear I will buckle - secretarial support is essential to maintain the flow of information. I think there will be more to be said on this matter.

Today, I heard something that, if true, is beyond belief. Apparently neither the liberals, SNP nor the Tories have appointed an Equalities Spokesperson - I am going to check this out...the matter of maintaining a focus on equalities in day to day business is an essential matter of political consideration in a civilised society. If true, this is unbelievable!

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