Thursday 3 July 2008

A bloody disgrace

Staff and Board members were today delighted with Dr Ray Harris' mention of PEP's buses as one of his top 5 Edinburgh icons in the Evening News 'High Five' slot: he intended it as a positive reflection on the role of the voluntary sector in our great city - but he has no idea how many people he made very happy this afternoon. The phones haven't stopped ringing...

Small voluntary sector projects feel under assault right now with budget cuts and bureaucratic over regulation and PEP is no any praise is gratefully received. Today, we had 6 volunteers out cutting grass, generally improving the local environment. Ranging in age from 15 - 65 years they were a happy gang: each man has his own problems, some really quite serious, but it is a joy to watch them working hard together for their own community when previously they were isolated and very alone. It is a win win situation: they learn new skills, learn to work together as a team, gain in confidence and the local community looks much the better for their efforts.

Services for Communities could learn a few lessons from them: take a drive round Granton, Boswall, East Pilton, West Pilton, Muirhouse ...have a look at the public verges and edges: weeds knee high, grass growing where it shouldn't be possible for grass to grow, thistledown blowing in the looks like the set for Will Smith's blockbuster 'I am Legend' but this is no futuristic city abandonned to the zombies: it is Edinburgh 2008 and it is a bloody disgrace.

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