Friday 23 February 2007

The future and all its uncertainties

Yesterday was meant to be a holiday. Instead it became another another 12 hour marathon.
Dentist first - a great way to start the day then on to meet the Chancellor. An accident on the Bridge meant he was an hour late and everybody was restless. Jack McC did the welcome then on to Gordon who was looking well. Clearly lost a bit weight and has the look of a man who knows the prize is in reach. His speech was astounding. Erudite, earnest...not a soundbite in sight. As good a rebuttal of nationalism as I'll ever hear. Did you know Scotland has 3 of the world's top 20 universities? Finland, Norway and Ireland have none. Did you know that Scotland's traditional industries of fishing, whisky, agriculture, steel and shipbuilding account for less than 5% of the country's jobs yet the creative industries and finance sector account for 7% each? Our knowledge economy is among the best in the world and 90% of our exports go to England? There was not a ya boo, smart alec remark in the whole speech and hardly a word of it was covered in the media today. Interdependence, networking, partnership & high skills...these are the hallmarks of a modern economy yet the nats would set up barriers, sieze us up with constitutional convulsions and hold us back while global companies rapidly withdraw their investment...big business likes stability and break ups are never calm...watched Alex Salmond on Question Time later - I dislike his habit of interruption, smugness, superficiality...he doesn't come over as a serious man ...too much the spiv...yet he enjoys great popularity. It terrifies me.

Later I chaired a public meeting of local residents concerned about the development of City Park. It was a thoughtful meeting full of intelligent comment and perceptive response. As far removed fromQuestion Time as it is possible to be. They are opposed to the development and I will do what I can to help though I fear it cannot be stopped. As ever, my task will be to negotiate the best to be had from an unsatisfactory situation.

Tomorrow the weekend begins. My daughter who expects her 3rd child imminently is already late...who knows, perhaps by the next time I write I shall have a new grandchild - a lovely thing to look forward to.

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