Thursday 8 February 2007

A good day

Well, that's it. The last budget of the Administration. Very good news for Granton: new primary school for the Granton waterfront, the new primary school to replace Granton primary scheduled to begin in 2008 and the money committed to re-align Lower Granton Road. I couldn't have asked for more. Along with the £6 million for Royston primary and the new community centre - and the £4 million going into improving the housing stock - it's been an excellent budget for Granton - the result of many months of petitioning, persuading and nagging. Good budget for the rest of the city too: Labour pegged the council tax increase to 1.5% and the rent increase to 6%. Both the Tories and Lib Dems went for 2.5% and 7.4%. Key features of our budget include £0.5 million for supported bus services (should help with the No. 32 bus), more police for youth action teams, more for roads and pavements, more for vulnerable adults and children, for older people and for schools - all in all, a good budget which re-stated Labour values.

After, the whole Labour Group went for lunch to say a private farewell to those 11 who are leaving the Council voluntarily. Ewan made an amusing speech that put everybody in good heart. It's been a good day.

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