Monday 24 September 2007

Life is good

Another day...trying in parts, uplifting in others.

Trying...because I get front page and half of page 5 in the Evening News over a strip of green & blue tartan 16 x 68 inches which I was asked to wear at formal events when representing WEL. Two good photographs but a whole lot of inference that I was swaddled in the bloody stuff! Tartan (except as an accessory) is a fashion no no and there is, of course, another side to the story... of how a chief executive reared in the private sector managed to run rings round a Board full of experienced public servants....and that story will be told in due course.

Uplifting ....because today I caught up with two projects I took a chance on over a decade ago and both have succeeded beyond even my wildest imagination and in the process made a big difference to the lives of many....because my son in law seems to be recovering....because a close friend sent me a cheery letter and, fingers crossed, is winning his fight with cancer....because, no matter the trials and tribulations, life is good.

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