Thursday 20 March 2008

Edinburgh's First Citizen

Tonight was the official unveiling of Dame Elizabeth Blackadder's portrait of Eric. The present LP laid on a very pleasant reception and his speech was complimentary.

The portrait shows Eric in serious mood - despite his joviality he is a serious man and I recognised the expression immediately. There were many in attendance who are more used to his smiles and laughter and I spoke to several whose view was mixed: for myself, I thought the portrait was a good likeness. If you want the perfect likeness you go for a photograph but this is a narrative portrait which says as much about Eric and the personal obsessions which influenced his 9 years as provost as it does about his public persona.

When the history books are written I am confident Eric will go down as arguably Edinburgh's most influential first citizen since Drummond. Some will say I am partisan but I know the interventions which rewrote the city's direction. I know there were many times when he did not blink when others all around were running fast for cover.

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