Saturday 5 May 2007

The dust settles

I've been slogging instead of blogging - elections gobble up time. The people have spoken. Fairly conclusively against Labour but not very convincingly for anybody else. Now we begin the process of negotiation to form a coalition. In Edinburgh there are a number of options: SNP + Greens + Libs: SNP + Greens + Lab: Lab + Lib - I fear the dealbreaker will be Cardownie's or Hinds' ambitions for the Provost's chain - plus ca change mais la meme chose. The last administration was constructed on the same axis of personal ambition...and not very satisfactory that turned out to be. Time, I think, to cast personal ambition aside and think about what is best for all the city. For me, the most critical factor is the Scottish Executive's attitude to Edinburgh's capital city status and its transport infrastructure. The SNP must be persuaded to abandon oppositon to EARL and the tram - that should be the dealbreaker.

Yesterday was a difficult day. I won through but my good comrade Billy fell in the field. I feel keenly for him. We have known each other for 25 years and worked together well. Mostly, he left me just to get on with things but knew when to stamp his foot. He is an amiable man without a bone of spite in his body - a rare trait in politics, as is his capacity to enjoy life. He will not be broken but he is hurting. We spoke late last night and though his humour resurfaced it will be tough for him. Other friends have fallen too: Lawrence, Shami, Tom P and Trevor - politics is a brutal business. Win or lose with nothing in between. I am glad, though, to have survived. No point pretending otherwise.

I spoke to Margo McDonald yesterday. She is game. Clearly delighted at her victory as I am for her too. Politics needs personalities like her. I wish her well. Malcolm was also pleased with his result. Kim, his agent, has run a good campaign and though she gives little away I think there were moments when she was anxious about his prospects. There are others who did not succeed - Norman's was the big upset of the night and though he seemed sanguine it is difficult to believe his equanimity. Malcolm predicted the SNP success in week 2 of the short campaign and my daughter who works in the Stag at Musselburgh alerted me sometime ago that Kenny McC held regular campaign meetings there. She said that ebullience was their prevailing mood. Snippets of gossip that feed political views and reaction. East Edinburgh colleagues mustn't have heard them since they seemed taken by surprise.

The dust is settling now and as the smoke clears from the battlefield...the troops prepare for the next salvo...politics resume

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