Monday 7 May 2007

A kennel, a garden and a fish left stranded on the bank

I have been up since dawn vacuuming, mopping, dusting, doing the laundry - it is 9.45 am and I am already tired but the house smells clean and not like the kennel it had become since mid April. Both my sons, who live independently, have dogs and insist on bringing them whenever they visit. It is not uncommon to have seven adults, four children and three dogs all at one time and the mess created is unbelievable.

Since the election began this is the first time I have felt able to draw breath. I am looking out at my garden (which needs attention too), appreciating the colours and growth. In particular the choisya is a spectacular golden burst offset by the deep pinks and maroons of several Japanese acers. When planting it is difficult to predict the final result but this particular combination is successful. Perhaps there is a subtle political message in that!

I leave soon for a Labour group meeting to report back on yesterday's meeting with the Liberals. I remain to be convinced they are serious about doing a deal but we will see. Developments at the Scottish parliament rather suggest that they will baulk at being seen to prop up Labour which is a pity since there is little between us in policy and in truth, only 2 seats separate us. I am pretty certain that if they do not deal with us then whatever mesalliance they concoct will not survive the four or even five years of this administration. It will be a political dream for Labour if they go into coalition with the Tories. Oppostion has a certain level of appeal too.

Meanwhile, Alex Salmond thrashes about like the eponymous fish left stranded on the bank. So close to being free yet so far, far away.

Tomorrow, I go back to work. I have several tasks to do which, though unpleasant, must be tackled. PEP has suffered reputational damage as a result of spiteful malice from two individuals. I am required, for the sake of staff and the organisation, to address this - and I will.

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