Monday 2 June 2008

Three cheers

Tonight's blog is all about success...PEP's success.

Recently, PEP underwent a review by the Children & Families Quality Review team which looked at the impact PEP has on participants, on the local community, how we go about planning our work and how we evaluate it too.

The top rating, seldom awarded, is 'excellent' which means outstanding practice: PEP got an excellent for impact on participants and and excellent for progression in learning: 'very good' means major strengths and PEP was rated 'very good' in every other aspect of our work: for our work with the elderly in day care, for our literacy, art, for our work with people who have mental health issues, for our volunteering service...for leadership, governance, team working, recording and measuring our work...for everything, really.

Today we went to the Standards sub committee to be congratulated on our efforts and it felt a bit strange to be on the other side of the table.

Three cheers to the team... to the volunteers and to the Board. You're a great crew!

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