Saturday 28 June 2008

Tired and jaded

Last words on Thursday's Council meeting:
Jenny Dawe's remarks concerning Ewan's leadership were a poor show: ungracious and I daresay extremely grudging. She has been leader of the Council for a longer period than Ewan ever held the post: magnaminity is a leadership quality which seems to have escaped her.

Secondly, it was amazing to watch the body language of the Administration's front bench. First, Marilyne was being given a very wide berth by everyone. Even Phil Wheeler, a perfect gentleman who sits immediately to her right, was straining as far away as possible. For the rest, not one rose to defend her and they each sat hunched, chins down: it is amazing how quickly they have begun to look tired and jaded. The only one with any spring in his step, Paul Edie, was left crestfallen when the Lord Provost, not noted for firm leadership, refused a clumsy bid to foreclose the debate on the Single Outcome Agreement....I bet there were some hard words said about that later!

Enough of that, though.

Today, the sun is shining and the garden beckons: hedges and grass have to be cut thankfully not by me. Mr Maginnis will require regular cups of tea and sweet encouragement...I have my work cut out!

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