Wednesday 25 July 2007

Strengths & weaknesses

Been a busy few days both at PEP and the Council.
It's the last few days of the Summer Programme - so far over 400 people have participated in the various events. Today it was a ceilidh with stovies for lunch. Nearly 40 people jigging away, fair enjoying themselves - but it's hard work for the staff. They have to lead the dancing as well as do the food, serve, clear up and get the guests to and from the event! I'm always amazed at the staff's enthusiasm. Last year I asked them all to undertake a psychometric exercise (Authentic Happiness) as part of a team building event we were doing. Of the 14 staff who were there, 12 shared the top signature character strength of 'wanting to help people' - in events like today's they absolutely display that commitment to go the extra distance to make sure our clients get the most out of life. Of my 5 top strengths, working hard, and analysing & planning came out on top. Wanting to help people didn't feature. The other 3 were a sense of humour, wisdom and staying focussed. I'll leave others to comment on whether that's right or not. But the exercise certainly helped me appreciate that I have to try to use, what sometimes can be a weakness, always as a strength - both in myself and others.

I'm thinking about changing the format of this blog - more later.

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