Friday 30 November 2007

Council in crisis - again!

A propos yesterday's comments on leadership - like everybody else I received Tom A's email briefing on the Pathfinder Project and its potential job loss consequences. I found myself biting my lip when I read it - it wasn't the deftest handling of a sensitive issue, especially since the programme has been rolling for a while already. In other words, what was not even a drama and is very probably a positive story about efficient management and partnership working over a period of a few years has been turned into a crisis. And why?

Well, one answer is simple cock-up...somebody, working in their own wee box, took their eye of the ball ...
another is the Administration (if it was consulted at all) didn't compute the information, underplayed its importance and inexperience played its part
or maybe it is conspiracy...after all the pathfinder project was all about 'back house' services and I don't think homehelps are anything except frontline, so I am inclined to think an opportunity has been seized to muddle the current administration's cuts strategy (and blame labour for the fiscal mess) and labour's longer term strategy of efficiency savings.

The answer will lie probably somewhere between all these options - but whatever, the Evening News has got it right...COUNCIL IN CRISIS - again!

The only thing that really puzzles me is this...why is Edinburgh losing so many jobs? Logic surely demands that centralising services means the biggest authority retains more staff and the smaller authorities lose out? Are we doing our own version of Scottish Executive decentralisation? Or am I missing something here?


PC256 said...
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Elizabeth Maginnis said...
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a really concerned citizen said...
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