Friday 8 February 2008

Sharia Law and thoughts thereon

I am amazed that the Archbishop of Canterbury is reported to be overwhelmed at the negative reaction to his comments on Sharia law.

I am truly amazed too that he thought it appropriate to even comment on such a matter.

It is clear the basis of our law does lie in Christian ethos but has been so adapted over the centuries to accomodate our increasingly secular outlook that its faith basis, though never irrelevant, is increasingly less important. The point is, the law has to be relevant to contemporary attitudes to be universally observed.

To therefore suggest that our law should be shaped by the imperatives of another faith which often appears directly contrary to modern outlook when, as a country, we are busily abandonning the majority faith of our past just seems perverse...and very out of touch with modern Britain's way of looking at things.

Being multicultural and celebrating difference is only possible when we are obliged to observe the same law. Personal faith and cultural behaviour need to know a superior, uniting civic control achieved through our common democratic processes.

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