Tuesday 5 February 2008

Super Tuesday

Like most political anoraks I am completely caught up in the race to the White House. Personally, as regular readers will know, I want Hillary to win the democrat race and I am rooting for the democrats to win the presidential contest.

I cannot believe that America is ready to vote for a black man as president: I have seen way too much evidence of lingering racist attitudes both there and here. If he is eventually anointed the candidate then I will wish and hope with all my heart that Obama can do it - but I fear conservatism will be against him.

It will be difficult enough for a white woman to overcome the innate prejudice of a macho nation, but in my opinion she stands the better chance of overturning the republicans.

Can't wait to learn the outcome of Super Tuesday!

If Hillary wins through I am determined to go to the States to help the Democrat campaign.

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