Thursday 10 April 2008

Billy Fitz

Put in a few hours at the Council today catching up on reading and correspondence well as the gossip. Political gossip is always one to watch. It is seldom precisely accurate but if you're smart enough at reading the chicken bones then it's pretty easy to discern the way the wind is blowing. There's always a nugget of truth buried somewhere in the ephemera...

Bumped into my pal Billy Fitz today who tells me he has been offered not one but two jobs which, after all the pre-employment training he's been doing lately, he jolly well should have! Whichever one he chooses I say good luck to him. It's been nearly a year since last May's elections and that's a long time for someone like Billy who likes both criach and company to be out of a job and out of the swim of things. I am told he has joined the Board of a couple of local voluntary organisations and is making strong and positive contributions. That's good news. He has a lot of experience to offer. And Billy was always good at keeping his ear to the ground where political gossip was concerned...he could sniff a good story at 50 yards...

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