Tuesday 22 April 2008

consensus about budget strategy? Never!

Labour group executive today and a discussion about changes to the budget making process arising from a motion from the Greens ...questions raised about whether this is the most efficient use of politican and officer time, complaints that debate centres on the margins (i.e. growth and cuts) but ignores the large wodge in the middle...weighty matters to be sure. Personally, I'm not sure there is much room for change...unless there is consensus about budget strategy... and it's a fool who thinks the current Coalition is ever going to want consensus with Labour - their raison d'etre for the next 4 years is to create as big a gap as possible between us and them.

For all we keep on about 'new politics' it seems the game the Coalition is playing is the nearest approximation to 'old politics' that I ever did see.

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