Friday 18 April 2008

A busy couple of days

Been a busy couple of days ...last night's meeting at the Dudley Bowling Club was interesting...lots of local issues, apparently small but important to local people. Allan (Jackson) and I have a pile of stuff to get on with. He is to organise a meeting with the developers at Victoria Park/Ferry Road and I, a meeting with the Council and the local residents on how to upgrade the park. Interesting stuff...

Then a meeting about Lower Granton Road where we learn that in answer to local pressure there will be 2 sets of pedestrian controlled crossings installed, flashing speed signs, reconstructed pavements etc etc. It has taken a while and it falls well short of local aspiration but it is at least progress.

PEP receives a summary of its recent independent review by Children + Families Department - extremely good: I am proud of my staff who have done really well - the full details will be published shortly...and today a very successful AGM of the OPEN Forum where our proposals for a local, volunteer-delivered home care service are very well received both by local people and by the Health & Social Care Department.

Then on to the Labour Group AGM where everything runs pretty much according to plan. ..a long weekend to look forward to and plenty grandchildren sitting...

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