Tuesday 8 April 2008

A confused numbering system

Back to PEP today and to catching up with hundreds of emails from the Council.

Away 5 days only yet it is a daunting task to wade through too much junk mail advertising sleaze and viagra (how the hell is it not filtered out CEC's system?) then to start on the replies to many, many constituents' enquiries...if anything the numbers are on the increase. Inevitably some are directed to all 4 Forth elected members - but I seem to be getting a fair whack personally. I am not complaining. It is the best way to find out what the issues really are in the area.

Latest, include the usual batch of housing worries, road & pavement repairs, a sizable commentary opposing the plans for City Park and interestingly, a very long running saga about the numbering system in tenemental properties. A confused numbering system where people used to be, for example, 16/4 but are now called 16 (f3) means too much mail goes astray...or even worse a neighbour gets a letter intended for next door...this causes mayhem when (as has happened at least twice to my knowledge) the letter has been a complaint about next door!

I have been pursuing this for a while and at last have an agreement for one stair only (where the complaint has been most persistent) to have the stair renumbered. I wonder what it would cost to do it throughout the city...

And finally, I learn today you can buy postage stamps online, delivered in less than 24 hours ...no wonder post offices have a limited shelf life.

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