Wednesday 30 April 2008

Billy is jinxed

Invited by my eldest son and new wife for dinner tonight and very nice it was too.

Our departure, nicely timed so Mike can watch Chelsea v Liverpool, coincides with Billy Fitzpatrick's arrival at his son's house - serendipity means they live within 4 houses of each other (no worries about the Labour vote there, then) - and I learn he has chosen the health service job...and has started already.

The job involves working with new technology. Bad news.

Billy is jinxed where new technology is concerned.

I remember one occasion where he is bewailing the fact he has lost his mobile and broken his specs and it has cost him a fortune to replace both in the same week.

We hail a taxi and break into a (very slow) jog across Ferry Road to get into it. Out pops his new specs (not in their case) from his top pocket, quickly followed by his mobile phone. He stands on the specs and the phone smashes into a hundred I say, he is jinxed.

God help the Western General!

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