Sunday 4 May 2008

The Force is strong...

When my daughter married she entered the reception hall to the Emperor's music from Star Wars...'Da da da, da da, da da da...'
Her first son was born on 4th May - May the fourth be with you. Mercifully she did not call him Skywalker or Hans. Had he been a girl she was to be called Leah.

Today he is five.

'What would you like for your birthday?'

'A Darth Vader light sabre, Granny...'


'It's red, Granny...and it zzzzmmmzzz'. He rotates double clenched fists as if wielding the weapon.


Hand raised, palm facing me, he intones, 'The Force is strong in this one.'

I tell you, you could not make this up - he got his red light sabre: one very happy five year old.

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