Wednesday 28 May 2008

hundreds of years of political independence neutered

At Monday's Group meeting we had a laugh about the proposed new 'traffic light' system designed to keep politicians' speeches to time. One wag was heard to quip, 'Does it do bells too?' Our new Lord Provost has a habit of nodding off if speeches go on too long and an alarm bell as well as a red light would help keep him on his toes.
Mind you, I can't blame him - some speeches are murder and if I could switch off enough I'd fall asleep too.

Seriously, though...the Lib Dem/SNP Coalition has brought Edinburgh Council to a sorry pass: we don't set our own tax levels any more, we let national government dictate our strategy and let officers write our single outcome agreement i.e. local political priorities for the next 4 years and now we are letting officers time-keep our speeches...they have neutered hundreds of years of local political independence within 12 months...not bad going eh?

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